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success stories

real results, real inspiration

Discover the journeys of endurance athletes who've reached new heights with our tailored programs.

Phil Gore | Australian Backyard Ultra Record Holder

Gaby's knowledge of nutrition for endurance athletes has been instrumental in improving my performance over the last two years.

Christie Kirkland | Ultra Runner 

Working with Gaby has been life changing for me. I went into UTA 50 feeling prepared and confident. My body welcomed the fuel and I had a successful race with no gut issues.  

Gaby is a nutrition wizard. My only regret is that I didn’t connect with her sooner.

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Kosta Condos | Ultra Runner

Thanks to the Fuel To Thrive Academy, I no longer grapple with energy deficits during intense training weeks or suffer from stomach issues. Recently, I achieved a personal best at a backyard ultra event, which I am convinced is due to the right fueling strategy

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Narchi Finnila | Australian Female Backyard Ultra Record Holder

I joined the Fuel to Thrive Academy to ensure nutrition wouldn't be the reason I had to stop in a Backyard Ultra.

By getting my nutrition dialed in, I was able to avoid the energy struggles I faced during last year's Clint Eastwood event.

Over the three months, I learned not only how to fuel for the Backyard Ultra but also how and when to fuel for daily life. I highly recommend doing the program to give yourself the best chance at reaching your limit.

Nick Thompson | Professional Triathlete

Gaby has been really helpful in developing and fine tuning a day to day meal plan which has helped me feel a lot more energetic everyday, especially before training. 


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Len Hartley | Ironman Athlete

The Fuel To Excel Program enabled one of the best training blocks I have completed and set me up for a great race in Cairns where I had a strong run to PB by over 10 mins on a challenging course.

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Andy Baldwin | Ultra Runner

I have genuine excitement that I now have a stronger foundation for my body and mind to take me into new territory, without the limits from poor fuelling.


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Emma Kirk | Ironman Athlete

I believe that the carb loading and nutrition advice I had been following in the lead up weeks had prepared my body for race day, and got me through to the finish line.


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Jeremy Pelvin | Backyard Ultra Runner

Before working with Gaby my nutrition during events was hit and miss, but mostly miss.

Since working with Gaby my PB has increased from being exhausted and a mess for 37 laps to being the last man standing with 50 laps.

Nutrition is not something I worry about heading into a BYU anymore as I know that the plan is locked in with the support from Gaby to make changes on the fly if required. It allows me to focus my energy on other things to prolong my event and reach my potential.


Jodie Phillips | Ultra Runner

The plans we specifically worked on together worked so well - completing a 100km and 100 mile feeling strong, alert and no loss of energy during the race.


Gerardo Perez | Trail Runner & Mountain Cyclist

This was the best decision I have taken for my health.  I have more energy to perform well in all aspects of my life. I sleep more easily and peacefully, and I have noticed my thoughts are more positive and my mind is sharper.

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Michael Griffin | Ultra-runner

I can highly recommend the Fuel to Thrive Academy for any athlete looking to increase their understanding of fuelling, nutrition, event strategy and more.

I joined the program looking to level up from previous nutrition consultation learnings and build the extra performance I needed to improve race results.

I came away with not only a new appreciation for how to approach the way I structured my diet, but also some great tools and frameworks to keep referring to in the future. I now feel a lot more confident in my event preparation and execution. 

Not sure where to start?

Everyone’s journey to performance transformation is different. If you’re not sure which path is right for you — the Fuel to Thrive Academy or the Fuel to Excel Program — we can discuss it in a 30-minute Strategy Session.

Book your free Strategy Session: